We can help with the design of a peer support service to support people engaged in the dispute resolution process. Talk to us about whether this could be the right approach for you and how this could be incorporated into the design of your resolution scheme.
Peer support service
A peer support service is something for your organisation to consider incorporating into any resolution scheme, particularly if the scheme involves a perceived power imbalance, or if a person going through that process does not have others available to support them.
It is based on the idea that people who have been through the process where they have had to overcome barriers and endure adversity can offer useful support, and encouragement for others in a similar situation.
What is peer support?
A peer is someone with lived experience who has been through a similar process. They use their experience to help others, and particular to make sure they have been heard. They do not provide advocacy or legal advice, or navigate a system, or make decisions for them.
A peer-support service can assist a person through their dispute resolution journey from the entry stage through to the adjudication stage, but all parties involved in the process must consent to the peer support's involvement. This is generally referred with the context of a "support person" which includes both peer support and other support such as family and friends.
Why peer-support?
Sometimes people need support in their journey through a dispute resolution process. If this support is not available, it can act as a barrier to accessing justice through a resolution scheme. If it is available, it can help empower users to engage in the process and be heard.
Is a peer-support service right for your scheme?
Sometimes a peer-support service will help improve access to a dispute resolution scheme. Where possible, we will help through external partnerships with an existing organisation. Get in touch with us to discuss whether a peer-support service is right for your dispute resolution scheme.