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Connecting people to the right place for a better resolution experience

The Connection and Navigation Service helps people connect to the right place in our dispute resolution system.

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We start by helping people connect with or navigate to the right place to resolve their dispute.

Sometimes people need more formal help so we also offer Advocacy Assistance.

We connect your clients to the right place - it's that simple!

This service has been developed to help overcome barriers to people accessing dispute resolution, restorative and justice systems in Aotearoa New Zealand.

We know that many people in our communities find it hard to get what they need and often don't feel confident to make a complaint, lodge an application for dispute resolution services, use a restorative justice service or access the justice system.

We have created this new organisation to develop services that support resolution by connecting people to the right place and helping them navigate this system. We will not do this alone but will do this with our partners and in the wider sector and community. Where necessary we will provide advocacy services or work with other organisations to support them to do this.

We make it easy

We’ll help people using your dispute resolution process connect to and navigate through the resolution system so that the people involved are connected and empowered to resolve the dispute.

We can also help ensure organisations are creating dispute resolution systems that works.

Learn how we can help